Sunday, August 17, 2008

we love the jersey shore

I brought Amy Hsieh home again because both she and Priscilla Lee wanted to go to the beach. I think one of the best things about having my roommate over is that I get to show both her and my home friends off to one another - in a way, it's a merging of the two worlds. I love watching the interactions and the familiarity develop.


Back to Brooklyn in the morning!


Jerry said...


i love the shore, too

and my dentist appt was rescheduled to yesterday night, so i can come! =)

i assume i'm getting off at penn station... want to help me figure stuff out? when should i come? how long should i stay? i'd like to be home 7-8ish.

prisca* said...

mm, joycehuang, how do i put ur blog on my main pg so i can find it, along with funkyfresh&my own?

prisca* said...

and in response to ur comment on my blog: that's what i was :T about. because honestly, how often does one look at her friend and think: 'i love this person because Jesus loves them despite their sins; i love this person because i see how God sees them'? it's an ideal view that i would love to be able to apply, but how often does it really get applied? :T