Friday, April 18, 2008

mental dumps

  1. Cameron Sinclair, I applaud you.

    Tuesday, 6:30 pm: I wasn't sure if I should make the trek down to Givens to hear you speak. It would be much easier to sit in my comfortable room, especially with an impending 4-5 page paper due the next day. But I couldn't. I knew that if I didn't go, I would be filled with regret - I would be left wondering what you had to say about designing like you give a damn. It would make me hypocrite, because this is all that I believe architecture of being capable of. Thank you so much for moving us towards urgency again. Thank you for giving me faith in this field again.

  2. Conspiracies

    At this moment, there are at least three friends making a cross-country trek out to the Mid-West from the Dirty Jersey. Seriously. This is the second time now (even though the fruits of the first one did not last). Still, why am I so blessed?

  3. C.S. Lewis's A Grief Observed

    I've read only the introduction by Madeleine L'Engle and the first couple pages of chapter 1, and already tears have wanted to well up. There's a lot of angst in trying to understand why certain things happen - why God decides to take people away, and why He doesn't allow us to hold onto something that was once so good. I've been thinking about loss a lot recently and how we lose people to change. And I grieve and still wonder how these things happen. I don't know. But I've gotten better at accepting that all things do happen for the good all of those who love God. Sigh. To find comfort in that, if nothing else.

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